Lawrence County
2375 Eastbrook Road
New Castle, PA 16105
Phone 724.658.0510 Fax 724.658.4255
Email: hickorytwpsup@gmail.com
Building Permit
Accessory Structure
Plus State Building Code Fees (Vary)
Application Fee
Annual Permit
$50.00 up to $10,000.00 plus
$1.00 per thousand over
Ordinance Books (Printed Copy)
Sign Permit
Zoning Application
Sewer Permit
Subdivision/Land Development
$10.00 - Resident
$25.00 - Non-Resident/Business
$10.00 - Resident
$25.00 - Non-Resident/Business
$1.00 per square foot
$1,000.00 + engineer costs
(if applicable)
$10.00 per day
$25.00 per month
$50.00 per year
$200.00 per subdivision/land development application
(Please see the County fees at the Lawrence Co. Planning website.)
*Underlined headings have links to downloadable forms and copies.
Tax Schedule
General 1.2 mil
Fire .375 mil
Light $1.40 per front foot on
improved property
$0.35 per front foot on
unimproved property
Per Capita $5.00
Wage Tax 1/2 of 1%
Amusement Tax 7%